Abu Dhabi is far too often overlooked for nearby Dubai, and that can be a mistake. The short answer is that both are brilliant, and each bring uniquely wonderful options to your travels, including some of the world’s most stunning hotels.
Throughout the pandemic, Abu Dhabi took a more cautious approach to travel than its nearby neighbors in Dubai, just over an hour’s drive away, but that’s set to change in just over a months time, with the introduction of quarantine free travel to the Emirate.
Abu Dhabi To Open Quarantine Free Travel
Abu Dhabi will allow outside visitors to enter without quarantine from July 1st, according to recently announced measures from the United Arab Emirate. Any testing needs will be dictated by a “green list” which will offer easier requirements for people coming from safe countries, or with proof of vaccination.
According to T&L, Abu Dhabi will also streamline border operations with Dubai, once again, allowing easy movement from one Emirate to the other. Each destination offers incredible escapes, including desert stargazing, remote getaways and off-roading.

With a temporary slowdown in visitors, there’s hardly ever been a better time to visit Abu Dhabi, with a never ending array of five star hotels, a grand pix course, world class art museums, including the Guggenheim, and much more. With fewer travelers, hotels are pulling out all the stops with jaw dropping deals, even for five star palaces.
More details are expected in the coming weeks, including details on new “green list” countries, from which visitors will face the fewest restrictions for entry. The United State will feature on the “green list”, in addition to 28 other countries.
Update: The new green list, which will allow quarantine free arrival prior to July 1st has been published, and includes the UK, Germany, Israel, Japan, USA and a variety of others, primarily from Europe and Asia Pacific.
From July 1st, arrivals into Abu Dhabi will not face quarantine unless they test positive, with the exception of travelers from India and it’s widely expected that there will be even fewer restrictions against fully vaccinated travelers entering from safe areas.
Add another exhilarating destination to the list of places you can visit once again, as the slow rebound of travel begins. Nice one, Abu Dhabi.
Why is NOTHING said in these updates, about SOUTH AFRICANS? UAE resIdents want to travel home and need to know that they’ll be allowed to return, without 2 weeks outside SA, before entering.
The only exception mentioned, every time, is INDIA.
Thank you.