You only get one chance at a first impression, and for most credit cards, you only get one shot at a sign up bonus. If you only get one shot, why take anything less than the best, most lucrative shot? American Express has long been in the practice of targeted offers, matching certain people to heightened bonus, roping in what they hope to be great customers. The offers are back; and anyone can snag a 100,000 point American Express Platinum bonus…
NEW Link (May 2016); HERE.
Just visit the link HERE to be taken directly to Amex. Enjoy!
I have a detailed comparison on the benefits of both cards. If you are a frequent traveler, the more you travel the more the Platinum’s higher fees are justified, and the more you end up actually making/saving money off the card. For a once or twice a year traveler, the Gold probably makes better sense, and at 50,000 American Express Membership Rewards Points for signing up, it’s a fantastic deal.