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The baseline for great flight deals has gone up a bit in 2025, but there’s a chance to get around that today with a great British Airways sale opportunity.

If you’re solo – business class round trip to the USA, including New York or DC is down to £1697, but if you can find a travel companion, you can lock in those round trip business class flights from London to New York AND four nights hotel at a starting price of £1896.

It’s not at all uncommon to pay far more than this for business class alone, so to get four nights of hotel – and basically complete the whole trip for two for under £4k is pretty stellar.

Here’s how to make the most of the final 48 hours of the British Airways Business Class Sale, and a few other deals worth checking out as well.

a seat in a plane

Flight + Hotel Is The Way

For more years than I can remember, I’ve been advocating for flight + hotel packages from airlines.

By combining these bookings, customers are often able to access pricing that would not be available if you were only booking one, rather than the other. With this concept, flight and hotel can truly be cheaper than flight alone.

Airlines want your whole trip booking, not just a part of it, which is another reason we’re seeing loyalty offers and earning opportunities by booking through the holidays arm of a given airline. British Airways is no exception.

a snow covered trees and a lake in a city

£1896 New York With Hotel

If you’re looking for a stellar deal for 2026 travel, here’s a great start.

As part of the British Airways Business Class Sale, the airline is offering January ‘Club World’ business class flights with four nights of hotel starting at £1899 per person. Short haul also sees £300 round trip to Milan and £1896 to Dubai round trip, sans hotel.

How To Book: British Airways Business Class Sale

Head here to check out the full suite of offers from British Airways.

One good user experience thing the company has done in recent years is to highlight the dates when the lowest prices are available, making them much easier to find.

a graph of numbers and prices

Simply find the flight only, or flight and hotel offer you want and it’ll drop you right into the low fare calendar to grab the advertised prices. Happy deal hunting!

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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