Hawaii has maintained its position as a traveler favorite, despite a few hurdles to gain quarantine free entry. That’s only going to improve, with further news that the islands will continue to drop a variety of covid-19 related travel restrictions, making travel all the more easy.
With intra-island travel restrictions set to drop on June 15th, and new updates on when vaccinated travelers will no longer required to get tested before they travel, here’s the scoop on how Hawaii will soon be easier to enjoy, than in any time in nearly the last two years.
Hawaii Will Drop Intra-Island Restrictions
Not everyone wants to stay on the Hawaiian gateway they land in.
The addition of extra restrictions for intra-island travel made island hopping considerably more difficult, for both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. In some cases, it required extra covid-19 testing or even brief quarantine periods.
From June 15th, Hawaii will officially drop all restrictions for intra-island travel, for all travelers, which means getting around will be as easy as BC times. By BC, we mean before covid-19. That just leaves getting there.

Testing Requirements To Visit Hawaii
Hawaii has maintained a rigorous testing program throughout its travel reboot, but with a significant percentage of the population now vaccinated, vaccinated travelers want perks. By mid July, it’s expected the’ll get them.
In its most recent update, Hawaiian officials stated that once the state receives 60% vaccination, all fully vaccinated travelers will become exempt from pre-travel testing requirements. In the most recent data, Hawaii had more than 67% percent of the adult population with at least 1 shot, and 52% fully vaccinated.
However necessary, these pre-travel tests, must be carried out by an approved lab, which adds time and expense to departures.
Based on recent data, Hawaiian officials believe 60% will be reached by mid July at the latest, but like many things in travel these days – it’s all subject to change. Planning for trips in August and beyond seems safe, for any vaccinated travelers who wish to avoid the hassle of pre-flight testing.
As an interesting additional development, Hawaii plans to drop all travel restrictions for inbound visitors (vaccinated, or not) once the state hits 70% vaccination rates.

GSTP Take: From A Downhill Sprint To An Uphill Battle
People who want to be vaccinated, by and large, are now vaccinated. From early scrambles to get any vaccination appointment anywhere, mass vaccination centers with lottery prizes still can’t get people through the door, so here we are.
Many states and countries are now edging closer to 60% figures, which many see as a pivotal moment in beating back the virus, but it’s taking more than many expected to get hesitant people vaxxed.
Hopefully, Hawaii can find an incentive to push wary locals to get the jab, so that yet another step toward BC times can be achieved. Apparently, they’re trying, with things like free food for a year, and trips to Vegas on offer. Everyone wants to visit Hawaii, but it’s so much more fun when the only thought required is which floral shirt to pick out, and not which testing lab!
Thanks for this information! Hoping a good portion of the 67% with one vaccine shot line up for their second over the next couple weeks! Let’s hit 70% before July 4th.