TripIt, the app, has been a go-to for road warriors and savvy travellers for as long as apps have been a thing.
From up to the minute gate change notifications to security wait estimates and suggestions for alternate flights with seats available, and even directions to the rental car lot, hotel and dinner, TripIt does a lot to keep people moving.
But travel is different now, and safety is a primary concern. In response, the app just launched a variety of handy new features not just for when you’re in transit, but for wherever you go.

TripIt Nearby Places
Entry restrictions aside, you might be weary of going somewhere unfamiliar during covid-19, unsure of where the nearest pharmacy, clinic, hospital or other public health service may be.
In fact, according to Tripit, more than 1/3 business travellers claims anxiety around the unknowns of travel to an unfamiliar location. With “nearby places”, TripIt makes it much easier to find health resources in seconds, taking the worry out of any area.
TripIt New Safety Features TripIt Nearby Places TripIt GeoSure Partnership
Other New TripIt Features
Over the summer, TripIt rolled out a variety of new features, including a partnership with GeoSure, which ranks neighbourhood safety, based on a variety of factors including: LGBTQ friendliness, political freedoms, health and safety facilities, women’s safety and theft.
The data is analyzed using crime official crime data, medical statistics and other available reference points to come up with a 0 to 100 score of overall community safety, in addition to the individual data points. A traveller hoping to confirm LGBTQ safety could view that metric individually.
Unlike exams you’ve taken, the lower the score the better on the GeoSure map. The higher the number, the greater the overall risk to visitors.

TripIt Travel Policy Master List
TripIt is also keeping a master resource list for covid-19 related travel policies from airlines, hotels and other brands, as well as government advisories and safety updates. The resource can be found in the app in the appropriately titled “Travel Resource Center“.
TripIt’s New Points Tracker Platform
TripIt is taking on Award Wallet, offering a central platform to keep track of all your points. The latest app update offers a new dashboard with easier access to expiration dates, points history and balances. The feature is part of Tripit Pro, the premium app subscription.
TripIt: Worth A Download?
It’s great to see a variety of new features which make the unpredictable nature of travel in the covid-19 era just a little bit easier to manage. TripIt was already on top of what happens in transit, but with knowledge about the destinations where people end up, it’sa more compelling app than ever.
Fortunately, it’s free, and even TripIt Pro is now available to all, for a limited time.
Would you say the tripit app can do everything the award wallet one can? I have both pro versions and wondering if I should just use the one and cancel the other to save costs. Do you use both?