Will you find yourself in London in the next 9 weeks? If so – you may want to brave the crowds and head to Piccadilly Circus. Turkish Airlines has just launched a massive advertising campaign in the city – and if you take a selfie with their ad, you may just win a flight anywhere you want!

The Details
Turkish Airlines flies to more destinations than any other airline. If you take a selfie, with their massive 4K HD advertisement in the background and post it to Instagram, tagging the airline and using the hashtag #TakeMeThere – you’ll be entered. You also need to mention “where” you’d like Turkish to take you, in the Instagram post. A valid post would be something like “Melbourne, I just want to go to Melbourne. @turkishairlines can you #takemethere?”.

How Many?
Turkish Airlines are giving out two tickets a week for the next nine weeks, for a total of 18 tickets. We haven’t seen too much coverage of the campaign, and hey – crazier things have happened, right? If you happen to be passing through Piccadilly Circus, this is an easy chance to win a ticket which could easily be worth £1000! Go somewhere far, go somewhere amazing.

Fine Print
We have nothing to do with this contest – we just think it’s cool. Turkish has a dedicated site with the full terms and conditions, which you can find here. You must be 18 and older to enter. Turkish Airlines will direct message the winners each week on Instagram. If you do not follow Turkish, their message may go to your spam folder – so be sure to check. If you don’t respond within a week, they’ll give it to someone else. Best of luck!
Hey Gilbert where’s Piccadilly Square?